BIM Modeling

Sometimes, the choice of designers from different specialties leads to the development of projects according to a traditional methodology, in which each of the two-dimensional drawings is carried out independently. This methodology is often synonymous with fragmented work, watertight departments, failures in communication between different teams, etc.

The advancement of BIM methodologies and the positive impact they generate with their use often lead to the need to convert 2D projects to BIM models to coordinate, plan and manage different projects more effectively. The conversion of projects carried out using traditional methodologies to BIM models will allow several improvements to existing projects, having a positive impact on the quality of projects and on respect for established deadlines and costs

FACTORY 1921, Teixeira Duarte

BIM Modeling

Our meticulous and personalized approach guarantees the detection and resolution of design problems and incompatibilities between specialties, contributing to the efficiency and success of your enterprise.

Through BIM modeling, we carry out detailed project audits, allowing the identification of failures and informed decision-making during all phases of the process. With accurate quantity extraction, we make it easy to create accurate budgets, optimizing resource allocation and reducing costs.

Our BIM models are also developed to support drawing creation, ensuring accuracy and compliance with industry standards. In addition, the models are prepared to serve as a basis for the management and maintenance of buildings, providing a valuable resource to ensure the sustainability and durability of projects over time.

  • Compatibility of Specialties
  • Quantities Extraction
  • Elaboration of Drawings (Shop Drawings and As-Built)
  • Management and Maintenance (Cobie)


Autodesk Revit



Supports JNcQUOI
LISBON FIREMEN, Lisbon City Council
MicrosoftTeams-image (16)
LUME BARRA BONITA, Tegra Incorporadora

Compatibility of Specialties

The creation of three-dimensional models based on 2D elements makes it possible to coordinate the various specialties with greater rigor. By making the various models, corresponding to the various specialties, semi-automatically and in a single database compatible, conflicts and incompatibilities are detected more quickly and with less effort, giving rise to incompatibility reports that will allow the different specialists to carry out the necessary alterations to the projects before they can jeopardize the execution of the work.

Quantities Extraction

In any work, regardless of its size, calculating the quantities of materials and resources needed is a fundamental task for the completion of the work. An excessive quantification of resources will lead to a budget that is too high compared to potential competitors, which may not correspond to the expectations of the developer. On the contrary, a quantification of resources below what would be expected could lead to a loss when carrying out the work.

Creating BIM models for quantitative surveys, developed according to methodologies adapted to your company and your measurement criteria, will ensure perfect alignment of quantities with the actual project. Project changes will immediately lead to an update of the quantities, thus reducing the time needed to survey the quantities of materials and resources, increasing the rigor with which these elements are calculated.


Modeling from Point Cloud

Depending on the purpose of BIM for the project, the model can be created from a survey of the existing situation, usually using lasers that create a cloud of points and 3D meshes, which will then serve as the basis for BIM modeling.

The point cloud becomes a valuable tool for visualizing the existing conditions of the building and surroundings, and can be a starting point for the development of intervention projects, or to allow the production of a digital model of the existing situation, also known as As-built.


Elaboration of Drawings

The traditional methodology, based on the realization of two-dimensional drawings by one or several people, often gives rise to problems and inconsistencies in the various projects. The need, each time a change is made to the project, to change the designed parts independently makes any change a time-consuming and error-prone procedure.

The creation of BIM models for extracting drawings guarantees greater accuracy of the designed parts in relation to the original projects. With our methodology, any changes made to the different projects, and consequently to the BIM models, will immediately impact all the drawn parts extracted from the BIM files.

When we carry out the conversion of your projects to BIM formats, our procedures will be enriched with your internal standards. We will take your graphic representation criteria into account so that the drawings extracted from the BIM models meet your expectations.


Management & Maintenance

Facility Management involves the management of people, processes and spaces, and may be aided by specific information systems. The integration of BIM in management and maintenance guarantees that we have up-to-date as-built information on the development, namely georeferenced technical documentation. This will allow both the manager and the end user to have access to information that allows them to make more informed decisions in the management of assets, assets and preventive and reactive maintenance of the enterprise. The integrated provision of information on assets and assets will allow for better optimization of available spaces and optimization of maintenance costs with the development.

ndBIM works according to the ISO 19650 standard, being an example of synergy between methodology and standards. By following the guidelines established by ISO 19650, ndBIM adopts a collaborative approach, centered on the efficient management of building information. With a focus on data centralization in a shared digital model, ndBIM promotes the integration of different agents and the standardization of information. In addition, being process-oriented, the methodology identifies and optimizes workflows, increasing efficiency and reducing errors.

ndBIM compliant with ISO 19650 drives digital transformation in the construction sector, resulting in more effective and successful projects.
